Fall Window Reveal...So.Much.More.

Fall Window Reveal...So.Much.More.

This Post...
In the words of my girl, T. Swift “Today was a fairy tale, and I wore a dress..” 
Seriously though, there was a point in the day where I just looked around and was filled with so much gratitude.
I just stopped for a moment and took it all in.
I got to enjoy the sounds of chatter and laughing, catch up with some of the sweetest people, meet new faces, and watch as complete strangers met and became friends. I got to enjoy best friends or mom and daughters enjoying a shopping day together, I got to play with babies, and I just got to enjoy…YOU.
Thank you so much for allowing us to be apart of your busy weekend.
Days like today just make me so grateful for AllyOops.
The relationships I’ve made, the people I get to serve daily, and the people I get to work with make life and my job so much fun.
I’m so thankful the Lord allows us and entrusts us to run the ‘Oops.
All this to say. I’m all in my feelings and it’s feelings of complete gratitude.
Thank you for choosing us. Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for loving us so well.
Here’s to another successful and memorable window reveal. Fall Season 2024 here we come.
The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still.
Exodus 14:14

I couldn't resist putting this post from Bethany on the blog. I feel her words. I, too, am so very grateful. We all needed the excitement and busyness of this day.

The window reveal was my new year's resolution. Something I had wanted to do since our last full remodel, I think in 2016. I wanted to create beautiful displays in our boutique window, seasonally, on the level of Anthropologie.

Now I know I am not on that level, but a girl can dream right? Even still, I was determined this year to actually create a window each season.

The first window in January was adorned with butterflies, hundreds and hundreds of butterflies. You can ask Nikki, of Artsy Creations by Nikki, just exactly how many, because she cut them ALL for us. The scripture for that window was Romans 15:13. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace, as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit". The butterflies symbolized our souls trusting in God while we are in our chrysalis, and emerging changed by Him and filled with joy and hope. My prayer was that we would all move into the new year truly trusting in God and experiencing joy and peace while we put our hope in Him.

The next window was in memory of my mom. The scripture was from Song of Solomon 2:10-12. " Arise, my love, my beautiful one,and come away, for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone.The flowers appear on the earth,
the time of singing has come".  This beautiful Spring, flower filled window, was created with the help of Stormy of Muddy Magnolia Studio. She actually painted the scripture and beautiful flowers on the window. This window represented the renewing of our souls when we accept Jesus as our savior and "come away with Him". Our Winter of sin and death is over and we step into Spring blooming with rebirth and renewal. We are new creations in Christ. We can sing in praise and joy because we are redeemed and made new. 

And finally this seasons window. This window is in honor of Paul Frazier. He is my daughter's father in law. He is a strong man following God's will for his life. He has done so much good for others and served the Lord and his fellow man tirelessly. He is a veteran and has fought for his country and the lives of others. But right now he is currently fighting for his life at MD Anderson. The scripture for the window is Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still". God gave me this scripture when I was praying for Paul and Debbie.
Paul has a rare form of lymphoma and it's in stage four. Even in this time of sickness and uncertainty, Paul has demonstrated this scripture. He is trusting in God entirely to fight this fight for him. Paul is trusting in the Word of God and His promises. While we all are praying for Paul's miracle, we all know that God is still good. Paul is a testimony of this truth. He has professed confidence in God's faithfulness and given Him all glory.

When I hear of battles like Paul's I quickly realize how trivial my current battles are in comparison. We all will face many battles throughout our lives on this earth. Battles in our personal life, business, and health. Some big, some small. Some are attacks of the enemy and some are just a result of a fallen world. If we can only remember that God will fight those battles for us, we need only be still.


P.S. You can still donate in Paul Frazier's name at MS Blood Services.

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